Despite keeping your pool pump on and your pool filter clean, sometimes there's sediment & dirt not even a pool net can pick up. This can be especially true if there is sand around your stock tank pool.

To solve this problem, we created a stock tank pool vacuum made specifically for stock tank pools! The hose is 10 ft, so it will reach a diameter of the larger sized stock tank pools without getting an excessively long standard pool hose. The adapter to use the vacuum also works with not only our DIY Kit, but various other stock tank pool inlets (message us a picture of yours and we'll confirm if you're unsure).
To use your STPP Blue Water Vacuum Kit, follow these instructions:
1. Turn on your pool pump, and make sure it is pumping properly.
2.Attach vacuum head and hose to the telescopic pole, firmly connect all joints.
3. Place the entire vacuum in the pool and use the pump to push all the air out of the hose. After large bubbles stop, keep the entire vacuum under water after all air is removed.

4.Place the blue vacuum adapter cone over the outlet strainer, and press it to the side of the tank. The suction of the pump will immediately hold the vacuum to the tank wall.
5. To vacuum, use long, slow, sweeping strokes to clean. Make sure your strokes overlap slightly to avoid leaving any debris behind. Rushing will just kick up debris, which will reduce visibility and take hours to settle down again.
If you ever find the vacuum not sucking, clean your filter. 99% of the time, when the vacuum won't stick to the pump outlet, your filter is dirty and restricting flow, Rinse that filter, and try again.
Questions? Let us know!